Cognitus Apps Apps

Flamingo Greek - Basic Phrases 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Learn some basic and useful Greek phrases and words before youtravel!
Flamingo Hebrew 2.0.10
Cognitus Apps
Learn some basic and useful Hebrew phrases and words before youtravel!
Flamingo Dothraki 2.0.20
Cognitus Apps
Learn common words and phrases in the Game of Thrones language ofDothraki!
Flamingo Valyrian 2.0.20
Cognitus Apps
Prepare for Game of Thrones Season 7! Memorize common High Valyrianphrases with an easy and polished flashcard memorizer. The FlamingoWord Selector algorithm will make sure the words repeat in theoptimal order to enhance learning. For a complete list of the wordsplease look at this google doc, you are welcome to comment if youhave suggestion or fixes. (some of the words are available only inthe Pro version).
Flamingo Dothraki Pro 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Learn common words and phrases in the Game of Thrones language ofDothraki!
Flamingo Elvish (Sindarin) 2.0.20
Cognitus Apps
Memorize Elvish vocabulary from The Lord of the Rings withFlamingo!
Flamingo Elvish (Sindarin) Pro 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Memorize Elvish vocabulary from The Lord of the Rings withFlamingo!
Flamingo SAT Pro 1.4.1
Cognitus Apps
In the Pro version you will get list of 1000 SAT words, shuffled ina sleek flashcard game. Our clever algorithm will shuffle the wordsas you progress, and repeat words statistically for optimallearning and memorizing.
Flamingo - Basic Spanish (Spai 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Learn some basic and useful Spanish phrases and words before youtravel!
Flamingo Maori 2.0.10
Cognitus Apps
Learn some basic and useful Maori phrases and words before youtravel!
Vibes 1.0.2
Cognitus Apps
Share and discover social events that are happening right nownearyou!
Flamingo Klingon 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Memorize Klingon words and sentences from the Star Trek universewith Flamingo!
Flamingo Japanese 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Learn some basic and useful Japanese phrases and words before youtravel!
Flamingo Chinese (Mandarin) 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Learn some basic and useful Chinese phrases and words before youtravel!
AnyPlate 1.3.6
Cognitus Apps
AnyPlate is an OCR technology for capturing license platenumbersusing your mobile device. This is the version supportingIsraeliplates. You can easily integrate this app into yourexistingsolutions, without adding libraries to your project! Simplysend anintent and receive the recognized number and image viaintentresult.
Flamingo SAT 1.4.1
Cognitus Apps
A list of 100 SAT words, shuffled in a sleek flashcard game.Ourclever algorithm will shuffle the words as you progress, andrepeatwords statistically for optimal learning and memorizing.
Flamingo Valyrian Pro 2.0.20
Cognitus Apps
Learn common words and phrases in the Game of Thrones language ofHigh Valyrian!
Flamingo Greek Pro 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Learn some basic and useful Greek phrases and words beforeyoutravel to Greece or Cyprus! With the Pro version you get: -100words and phrases! - support flamingo :) - no ads Includes audiosoyou can get the pronunciation right. Memorize common phrasesinGreek with an easy and polished flashcard memorizer. TheFlamingoWord Selector algorithm will make sure the words repeat intheoptimal order to enhance learning!
Flamingo Flags (Flagmingo) 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Use the Flamingo algorithm to memorize the flags of the world!
AnyPlate Example App 1.0
Cognitus Apps
This is an example app that uses AnyPlate for licenseplaterecognition. The code can be foundhere:
Flamingo Portuguese - Basic Phrases 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Learn some basic and useful Portuguese phrases and words beforeyoutravel to Brazil or Portugal! Includes audio so you can getthepronunciation right. Memorize common phrases in Portuguese withaneasy and polished flashcard memorizer. The Flamingo WordSelectoralgorithm will make sure the words repeat in the optimalorder toenhance learning!
Flamingo Greek - Basic Phrases 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Learn some basic and useful Greek phrases and words before youtravel!
Flamingo Russian 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Learn Russian words and phrases using an addicting flashcardsgame.A sophisticated algorithm ensures you get the words atintervalsoptimal for learning! Includes audio so you can getthepronunciation right. Memorize common phrases in Russian withaneasy and polished flashcard memorizer. The Flamingo WordSelectoralgorithm will make sure the words repeat in the optimalorder toenhance learning!
Flamingo - Basic Spanish (Arge 2.0.10
Cognitus Apps
Learn some basic and useful Spanish phrases and words before youtravel!
Flamingo Polish - Basic Phrase 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Learn some basic and useful Polish phrases before you travel toPoland!
Flamingo Flags Pro 2.0.9
Cognitus Apps
Use the Flamingo algorithm to memorize the flags of the world!